For research scholars on research methods, for community development professionals in participatory development, for corporates in Sustainable Development, College students in Youth for Sustainable Development and other tailor made trainings in sustainable development. Besides, provide facility for implant training for professionals in water sector, social work and community development.

The Vision and Mission
To think globally and locally to enable Sustainable Development 

ISD envision
• To be a multidisciplinary resource centre to think globally and act locally to enable sustainable development
• To be a learning centre/‘rural lab’ and facilitate an integrated learning in sustainable development with a multidisciplinary approach for aspiring professionals in Social Development/ Engineering/ Water/ Sanitation/Agriculture/ similar field
• To conduct research, document and provide evidence based policy recommendations for development programmes And in the process
• To be a resource centre for farmers and provide know-how and do-how on sustainable and profitable farming
• Mobilise and engage non-student youth for sustainable development through development initiatives
• To empower the women in order to enhance the quality of life, of women as well as that of their families
• To inculcate social and environmental consciousness among children to enable sustainable development

The principles we follow in our work:
  • Working for a cause, not driven by fund availability
  • Development oriented approach; not charity based
  • Participatory approach to ensure stakeholder engagement at all stages for an inclusive development
  • Encourage/promote public (Government) –public (Community) engagement at all possible levels
  • Identify the local resources available and use them, without duplicating such service
  • Promotion of self-help among the community
  • To provide policy inputs based on the lessons learned from the community initiatives
  • To make available the expertise at the institution to those who seek


S1-S2 Air Force Nagar,TSP Road,
Veerapuram,Chennai - 600 055.

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